Center on Carreers


The Center on Carreers (Centro de Serviços de Carreiras – CSC) is responsible for activities related to the students professional performance. Its aim is to assist professional formation offering courses, workshops, and seminars; and promoting internship and job opportunities according to the undergraduate lines of study. It brings the undergraduation program in the open for public and private organizations in order to materialize internship programs and professional performance. It also takes care of professional guidance and follows up students professional path after graduation. Having the lines of study as a parameter, it studies and analyzes alumni reality after the degree, and enhances the undergraduation pedagogical project.

Contact us
Center on Carrers (Centro de Serviços de Carreiras – CSC)
Campus  Coração Eucarístico
Coordinator: Profa. Chyara Sales Pereira
Staff: Maria Cristina Ditz
Avenue Dom José Gaspar, 500 – Building 43 – Coração Eucarístico
Zip code 30.535-901 – Belo Horizonte – MG
Tel.: +553133194495
Working hours: 8 am - 12:30 pm; 1:30 pm - 5:00 pm

Center on Carrers (Centro de Serviços de Carreiras – CSC)
Campus Liberty Square
Coordinator: Prof. Cristiano Mendes
Staff: Gabriela Queiroz
Avenue Brasil, 2.023 – Building 1, Dom Cabral Building – Funcionários
Zipcode 30.140-002 – Belo Horizonte – MG
Telefone: +553132693254
Working hours: 1:00 pm – 7pm
